Health Services


Health Services

Total Mobility Scheme

The Total Mobility Scheme provides a subsidised taxi service to eligible people with mobility constraints which prevent them from easily using public transport. Support agencies such as Alzheimers Foundation, Stroke Foundation, Age Concern and others assess for eligibility.

Care Coordination

The primary point of contact for services for older adults is a Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC) provider. NASC services cover help to stay at home, support services for carers and entry into residential care. They can also link with other District Health Board (DHB) services and community based agencies. Care Coordination is the NASC for the Capital and Coast DHB.

Hearing Therapy Services

Hearing Therapy is a national service funded by the Ministry of Health and delivered by Life Unlimited Charitable Trust providing free hearing evaluations, information and support to New Zealand citizens and permanent residents aged 16 years and over.

Blind Foundation

The Blind Foundation is New Zealand’s main provider of practical and emotional support for the tens of thousands of Kiwis who are blind or have low vision, enabling them to face their future with confidence.

Stroke Foundation

A not for profit organisation offering free services to people affected by stroke and their families/whanau.

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