About us

Our Vision

Recognised and respected in providing quality counselling services for the emotional wellbeing of older people in the community.

Our Principles

Client centred; professional competence; accessible service; culturally responsive; financially secure; governed with integrity.

Our Purpose

WellElder provides a specialist community-driven counselling service for older people as part of a proactive and protective approach to their emotional and mental good health. We counsel individuals, couples and family/whanau at venues in Newtown, Hutt Valley, Johnsonville, Porirua, Paraparaumu and in clients’ homes where there are mobility issues.

In particular, we:

  • provide an affordable and accessible counselling service for older people;
  • provide group support and learning opportunities for older people;
  • provide opportunities for research and learning about the needs of older people;
  • provide advocacy and information to support our purpose;
  • provide other services and resources consistent with our purpose;
  • cooperate with other agencies and refer clients to them to meet client needs most effectively.


See the profiles of our counsellors, staff, and board members.


We obtain funding from a range of public organisations as well as community grants, and individual donations.

We gratefully acknowledge:

  • Health NZ / Te Whatu Ora – Capital, Coast & Hutt Valley (formerly Capital & Coast District Health Board), which provides our major funding.

We appreciate the support we have received over recent years from:

  • NZ Lottery Grants Board – Te Puna Tahua
  • Nikau Foundation
  • Hutt Mana Charitable Trust
  • Kapiti Coast District Council
  • TG Macarthy Trust
  • St John’s in the City
  • St Joans Trust
  • Wellington Community Trust
  • Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS)

Organisations that assisted us during our establishment phase:

  • Ministry of Social Development
  • Little Company of Mary
  • Sisters of Mercy
  • South East and City Primary Health Organisation / Well Health

Find out how you can support our work as an individual or organisation.

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